Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Advertising Notes

Full Page Vertical Advertisement: 150$
Half Page Horizontal Advertisement: 80-85$
1/4 Page Vertical Advertisement: 50$
Business Horizontal Advertisement: 20$

We'll be printing 1000 copies of Oh George.
Colour will only be available on the back cover advertisement and be sold at 200$ (usually to the student association)

Full Page advertisements are 5.0 x 8.0 inches
Half Page advertisements are 5.0 x 3.75 inches

When selling advertisements please request to recieve the logo or actual advertisement as a TIF file or a JPEG file. Also request that the size they give it to you be the actual size that will appear in the magazine. Pictures/logo's/any other image should be at least 300 DPI (dots per square inch)

What to do if we don't have any or enough advertisements:
1. Give space to someone that we support ( ie: city uptown or city downtown)
2. Run bigger pictures/titles with articles making a one page piece a two page piece
3. Insert a new article into the magazine

Our magazines advertisement rankings:
1. Best Position- Outer Back Cover - 200$ (usually to the student association)
2. Next best position- Inner back cover and Inner front cover (black and white full pages 150$)
3. Pgs. 5,10,17,19- Large or small ads available

-prepared by Kat Voye

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