Being a George Brown Fashion student, I get the chance to meet a lot of people, hear the stories of their journey and career, and the opinions they share on the world of fashion.
Daria Ghairat is a particular student that peeked my interest in a the way of how she integrated herself into the fashion world, and how quickly she acted on it. She started off her career in a non profit organization centering a tech company where she taught kids from the ages 8-10 how to make websites, and basics of coding. This then lead her interest to graphic design, which she did until grade 12. After graudtaing high school, she steered into psychology, but a special field of psychology that focuses on fashion, per example colour theory and how people react to colour.
After realizing she did not want to be a psychology major, she took the fashion aspect and carried it to George Brown College, where she took the Fashion Management program to pursue her interest and get her foot in the door to bigger things, and started doing fashion full time in January 2022.
Her first job in the fashion industry was a 5 day fashion show in richmond hill, hosted by the brand KH Luxury Boutique, in March 2022. This is where she learned the wants and don’t wants from her career. She wanted to be a leader rather than a follower, she wanted to host her own fashion shows rather than work in them, but she took this opportunity to make connections and start networking with people in the fashion industry, and expanding her knowledge.
After networking and putting together a client list based on her connections from her previous position at the fashion show, she began freelance styling and gaining more insight on the fashion industry. Daria worked with people like the Fairview director and the team of the event coordinator for Saks 5th Avenue. She also ventured into the music world and did styling for some music videos. With these connections, she continued her networking at the events she was invited to, where she met the creative director of Sacri.
Sacri is her guarantee in the fashion industry. With her insight on non profit organizations and marketing skills, she will become a shareholder of the company after graduation. She currently holds a position at Sacri on probation until she can devot her time to growing the company and becoming a large part of the brand. Taking everything shes learned so far in her past experiences, and applying it to a new career in her preferred field.
If we look back at her career records and schooling choices, Daria has integrated maximalism into the way she has moved forward and pursued her interests. Building up all her separate skills to maximalize and excel at her soon to be position at Sacri, and then up and onward with new companies in the future if she so chooses.
Maximalism is not only a concept that derives from fashion, but also applies to everyday life. It means everything coming together to make a cohesive piece by layering, adding, and complimenting pieces and colours with each other, or in this case with jobs and opportunites.