Hey, my fellow entrepreneur, don't look around yes I mean you! Okay, okay, you're not an entrepreneur yet but only because you're stuck in your head and won't get to it. Don't worry that's what I'm here for! But I'm not that motivational, it's all within you Eyrakah Badu type friend but if you need that bookmark this article, read "You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero and come back to get down to business. so you've seen the title so let's get to it!
1 Niche Is Sweet
Its been over a year of quarantine due to Covid-19 and I'm sure at some point we all thought about how full are the lives we're living. you know that thing you're so passionate about but you think the most it can be is a hobby, well you're throwing away money. We live in this time where the members of the millionaire lub are online gamers and Onlyfans performers, there's nothing that can't be fruitful if approached correctly. and you really don't want to rush this part but you also want to be aware and open to what stands out, do your friends keep asking you to do their makeup, then you're a makeup artist or at least a beauty influencer.
2 Secure The Name, Secure The Bag!
Now that we've found what you do best it's time to commit! And it's simple; come up with the name and secure it on all the platforms you intend to be on. TikTok, Instagram, website yeah and even Facebook. What's important here is that you're considering your growth so while you may not use all these platforms now you want to make sure that they're there for you when you're ready. A little personal tip, make sure your business name is as transferable as possible. Try to avoid putting what you do or offer in your name just in case to change your mind down the line, and remember if you do change your mind that's ok.
3 Never Enough Content
Now I wish someone had told me this when I first started out, which was years ago because I'm old. Document everything! While you don't want any piece of crap on your Brand's page, yes I said brand, because everything you do from now on chisels and shapes your brand bit by bit, post by post, no pressure. Followers love to be part of your process and see your story develop and the best part about this is that you can delete it when you think you've become more refined.
4 You're Already The Expert
We're in the guru era and while I personally hate that word the reality is that we tend to trust and purchase from people we believe to be more knowledgeable are skilled than ourselves. I didn't mention this before but you be offering something for customers to buy and they must know that.
Implementing this is easy how do you sign your emails, sincerely, Beauty Business Consultant, Damm, look at me! One key asset to this is making it believable, no ".Wix" no WhatsApp me to order when you can easily create a sign-up form in less than five minutes. Which brings me to my last point.
5 The Lazier The Better!
I think my biggest take away from my years in business is that customers are lazy and even more so now than before and lucky us. And unless you're the Ikea of your field, in other words cheap. You'll want to make the work your customer has to do less and less as time goes on it's something else simple as recommending similar products based on what they purchased before.
Ok Bye! I can wait to see you on the cover of Forbes.