Lolita: Sexual, or Not?
Is the Lolita fashion a
representation of sexuality or of modesty?
word Lolita is commonly known to many people as the title of Vladimir Nabokov’s
novel which tells the story of a man lusting after a child. However, Lolita
also refers to a type of fashion that originated in Japan. Because of the
sexuality that is tied with the word Lolita, it is no wonder then, that many
people interpret the fashion to be an extension of the sexuality portrayed in
the novel. Although there are points that may tie this fashion to sexuality,
there are also points that prove it to be a form of protest against sexuality
in women’s fashion.
What is Lolita?
of all, you may be wondering exactly what Lolita fashion is. The style is
largely influenced by Victorian girls’ fashion. There are many strict rules to
achieving this look. First, the silhouette must always include a very wide
a-line skirt that comes down to the knees. Many women who wear Lolita fashion
wear petticoats under their skirts in order to fulfill the fullness that is
required. Other distinct features of the fashion include blouses with puff
sleeves, lace trims, and bows. Modesty is an important element in the style,
the wearer must never show too much skin.
The Controversy
of the over-the-top nature of the fashion, it may be considered a strange style
of dress to many people outside of Japan. A large topic that often comes up on
internet communities, such as Facebook, is whether the fashion really
represents the sexualization of little girls or not. On February 3, 2012, a
poster for a documentary titled Are all
Men Pedophiles? directed by Jan-Willem Breure was uploaded to Facebook by
the documentary’s Facebook page. The image portrayed a woman dressed in Lolita
fashion. The documentary itself, discusses pedophilia in general and does not
actually link the Lolita fashion to pedophilia. Yet, when the image of the
poster appeared, many women who dressed in Lolita fashion commented on the
image displaying their displeasure at having their beloved style of dress being
portrayed so sexually. This example clearly shows the different points of views
that people have towards the fashion. Although those who wear it claim that the
style emphasizes modesty, outsiders to the fashion end up perceiving it to be
something sexual. If it’s not being perceived the way it was intended to be,
then what does the fashion truly represent?
The Sexual
main thing that sticks out about this fashion to many people who are not
familiar with it is that it involves adult women dressing up in very child-like
clothing. After all, the style is influenced by little girls’ fashions of the
Victorian era. In addition to this, girls who dress up in Lolita fashion
usually go all out to make their makeup and hair look nice too. The combination
of makeup which can represent attraction and seduction and a child’s clothing
which represents innocence provides the image that this fashion is about the
attraction towards children or a child-like imitation.
addition, a sub style of the fashion called Sweet Lolita usually incorporates
very cute themes. For example, many Sweet Lolita dresses have cute prints on
them such as teddy bears, merry-go-rounds, and cupcakes. Some of these prints
may be seen to be another representation of children in Lolita
The Non-Sexual
the other side of the argument, Lolita is said to be a form of protest against
the sexuality in regular fashion styles. One strict aspect of Lolita is that it
must always be modest. Not much skin is usually shown in Lolita outfits. Even
with strapless dresses, the shoulders are usually covered by a blouse worn on
the inside or cardigan or shawl worn on top. Skirts should go to about the knee
level, preferably just below the knee. Legs do not remain bare, but are covered
by stockings or knee socks. These aspects all go against the norms that we are
used to in fashion where tank tops and mini-skirts are seen regularly and are
perfectly acceptable garments.
previously mentioned, Lolita often incorporates very cute, child-like themes
that can relate the fashion to the sexualization of children. However, these
cute themes can also be taken as simply cute themes. Lolita can be seen as a
way for women to dress cutely and be attractive without doing so by just
showing off a lot of skin.
simply covering up remove the sexuality that may be implied by Lolita clothing?
Or does the fashion mean a bit more than simply being cute and modest? In the
end, fashion in general is a way for us to express our personality to others.
Obviously, the women who wear this fashion don’t see their clothes to be sexual
at all, but only see it as a fun way to dress up differently than usual.
Whether others accept the fashion or not should not matter as long as you have
fun dressing up in it. And if this means dressing up a bit differently than
what is normal, then so be it.
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