Fake Bags, Fake Lifestyle
Counterfeit bags; we have all seen
them. Some of us are guilty of owning
one, or a few. They are affordable,
foolproof, eye-catching and if well made, are as gorgeous as the original
design they are replicated from.
Sometimes a walk through Chinatown is all we need to convince ourselves
that that replica Louis Vuitton Speedy bag is a must-buy. It looks so beautiful, sitting there behind
that glass counter with all the other Louis, Gucci, Burberry and Chanel
fakes. No one would know the truth
about the bag’s authenticity; instead, people would stare and think “that girl
is both successful and in style”.
is there such a high-demand for replica handbags? The threads on that
thirty-dollar Gucci purse are bound to loosen with use, yet people purchase it
anyways. Pay a bit more and you could
get yourself a good quality no-name bag that will last for years; but these are
not as popular. And why not? Why are people paying for a bag that is so
cheaply constructed, just because it
has red and green stripes stitched onto it?
The answer is simple-- those red and green stripes give fashionable
consumers what they want out of a product; status.
famous green and red Gucci stripes. They
are classic and never go out of style.
People know what the stripes represent as soon as they see them. They are as sought-after as the beige and red
Burberry plaid, double Chanel C’s and quilted leather, and the signature LV
monogram. People associate these famous
colours, embellishments and logos with wealth and social status. The real versions of these designer handbags
cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Not
only are real designer handbags purchased for their outstanding, long-lasting
quality, but also for that feeling of exclusivity that comes with the
outrageous price spent.
doesn’t having an entire market for fake designer products contradict the main
reason these bags are so sought-after?
Today, fake bags are so easily accessible, meaning anyone can own
one. This takes away the exclusivity of
the label. Louis Vuitton, for example,
is one of the most counterfeited brands on the planet. Take a walk to a busy intersection of the
city, and it is hard to tell who’s Louis bag is real, and who’s is a
knock-off. So many people have one. This has essentially “ruined” Louis Vuitton’s
brand image. Originally, this brand was
marketed towards the wealthy and upper class—only the small number of people
who could afford to splurge on high-quality designer goods were seen carrying
around their product. Now, those who can
afford the real thing might lean towards purchasing a bag of a different brand
because too many people have ruined Louis’ exclusivity.
is what gives designer labels their status, which is what increases their
popularity and in term, makes them desirable to consumers. Some companies take the value of exclusivity
very seriously, making it obvious that they want to attract only one type of
customer. Anyone can save up a few
hundred dollars, walk into a Gucci or Louis store, and walk out with a
beautiful bag. Brands such as Hermes,
for example, require customers to be a regular shopper at their stores before
someone can even mention buying the oh-so coveted Birkin bag. The company knows that if the bag is too
available, it won’t be as wanted. And
anyone who buys a Birkin knows that
they are not purchasing just a bag—they are paying for the lifestyle that comes
with the hefty price of fifteen-thousand dollars or more. The lifestyle of social status—people staring
at her as she waltzes around Yorkville, wondering, “who is she married to?” or
“what does she do for a living?” or even “who are her parents?”
But alas, even
the Birkin bag has been counterfeited, and now anyone can pretend to live that
lavish lifestyle.
The main
question is, is it right? The “fake versus real” argument has been debated many
times. While the act of creating
counterfeit goods is highly illegal and unfair to the creators of popular
brands, this does not stop people from purchasing fake products, and making the
counterfeit market a multi-billion dollar
industry. This entire industry
proves that people are not buying the product for its quality, and strictly
only for the label, which resembles a lifestyle. The counterfeit market, which feeds off of
the average-consumer’s desire to live the American dream; this market fills the
demand for logo bags which say “seven-hundred dollar Louis Vuitton monogrammed
purse” on the outside, but say “dollar store quality” on the inside.
So before you
pick up that designer replica handbag in Chinatown, think about what you are
buying first. Is it the purse you want,
or is it the social status and fabulous lifestyle confided within the contents
of the outer dust bag? Will this bag really be that exclusive if you’re only
paying thirty-something dollars for it?
And will it bother you to know that the “lifestyle” you’re paying for is
as fake as the bag itself?
As a fashion
student myself, I do not blame people for wanting replica handbags—as shallow
as it is, we all love and desire owning those famous logos. So why not save up for a real designer
bag? There are many amazing and excellent
quality brands that are affordable; Marc by Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Longchamp,
and Kate Spade for example, all have great styles available for under
$300. For even less, Zara, Topshop and
American Apparel make amazing real leather bags for as little as $90. Just because it doesn’t have a logo on it,
does not mean it is not chic. Sometimes a simple leather bag is all you need to
compliment a great outfit. And who knows?
One day you might be able to afford an authentic handbag by one of your
favourite top designer brands—and knowing that you own the real thing might feel even better than being part of the elite and
wealthy lifestyle that these companies have created.
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