Unlike the old days where a suit and tie was the go to uniform of manliness, and without the simplicity of living in a black and white film where your only hard colour choices were black, white and grey, men today have a lot of options when it comes to colours and clothes. Now that most men are not dressed by their partners or mothers (most of them anyway, though we are not judging), and designers are creating options for men, they have a lot of room to play. One place where it is hard to play about in though is the job market. In today's hiring scene every interviewee has to pay close attention to everything from their answers, to their clothes, to especially the colours that the wear. What colours you choose in an outfit says a lot about who you are and what you are trying to convey at a first glance. There is a whole spectrum of colours out there, and you want to stand out at your interview so why not wear more bright colours? Limiting yourself to one bright colour is fine and can add that pop of colour to make you memorable, however on the flip side too much bright colours and they will remember you alright. Just for your clothes though not your interview.
White is a very simplistic and brightening colour that conveys a sense of truthfulness and straightforwardness. This is a good neutral to wear in any job interview, as it brightens an outfit and does not clash with any other colors that you may want to don.
Neutral though this colour may be, black has a commanding feeling to it. It is an assertive, high powered colour and is best suited when going to interviews for equally powerful office jobs such as lawyers and managerial positions . Wearing a black suit to a more laid back environment could be too overwhelming, though black could be incorporated in small doses.
Sophisticated grey. When in doubt, this is the neutral colour you want to wear. Grey is a calm and not too overwhelming like black is, but on the other hand grey gives that aura of composure. Assuming this colour employers will get a sense that you are a compromiser and will do well in any group related jobs. If you want to convey a sense of maturity this is the right colour to sport.
Calm, credence and confidence. These three c words are what employers feel about you when you wear blue, especially in the darker navy spectrum of the colour. Blue is the most universally loved colour, and relates to a one on one feeling of communication that is ideal for any interview.
Red, the colour of passion , is also a colour of assertiveness and high energy. This colour is a perfect pop when interviewing for positions of leadership, however it is not a suggested colour to wear when going for any other position when the employers are looking for someone who can follow the orders of someone else. Red can be a powerful but can also be seen as an unruly and obstinate colour.
When sticking to these colours as the base for your next interview ensemble you are sure to be remembered for your interview while giving off the right first impression rather than the interviewer not remembering a word you said because you decided yellow and purple polk-a-dotted suit was appropriate.
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