Going Hog-Wild Over Stylehog.com
Julia Seidl, Creator of Stylehog.com, Talks Luxury for Less,
Tips on Trends, and Apparel Industry Advice
Julia Seidl, Creator of Stylehog.com, Talks Luxury for Less,
Tips on Trends, and Apparel Industry Advice
In these times of uncertainty regarding the economy, yes I know you are all probably sick and tired of hearing about the recession, it has become a challenge to feed our appetite for purchasing new garments. How on earth can we still be fashion savvy without breaking the bank? That’s when I realised that Julia Seidl, owner of fashion website and blog Stylehog.com, could help us out a little. Julia is a commerce graduate from the University of Western Ontario and George Brown post-graduate for International Fashion Management with an abundance of knowledge in the fashion industry. Through her experiences at Jones Apparel Group and working closely with such brands as Betsey Johnson, BCBG, Roots, Holt Renfrew, and many others, Julia has become an expert when it comes to seeking out the latest trends. “My frustrations with reading fashion magazines and constantly being confronted with photo spreads featuring outfits worth thousands of dollars really had me thinking. I knew that it was possible to replicate these looks for less and I wanted to show other women how to do so. And so Stylehog.com was born!”

Beginning merely as a hobby in 2007, Julia turned Stylehog.com into a real business in spring 2008. “Stylehog.com is a place where women can go to learn about the latest runway trends AND find out where they can buy these trends at prices they can afford. I want to show women that they too can look like they’ve stepped off of the pages of Vogue without breaking their bank. Especially now with the state of the economy, it is important that women know that they can keep their style intact while saving some cash along the way”, says Julia about her website. Julia’s love of fashion and strong work ethics are what she believes makes her so well-suited for this endeavour. As far as major challenges go, time management is something she struggles with...as would anyone working in such a fast-paced industry.
Now, I couldn’t interview Julia Seidl without asking for her expertise on the subject of spring 2009’s upcoming trends and where exactly to find these affordable fashions. H&M is at the top of her list, where students on a budget can find great prices on runway trends, though Julia is hoping UK’s Topshop, which she claims has the best inexpensive fashions in the world, will be on its way to Canada soon (for now you can shop online at www.topshop.com). Julia also recommends visiting vintage stores because “not only are the prices so great, but since many trends are recycled over time, you can really find great pieces like a boyfriend blazer (try a men’s suit jacket or tuxedo jacket) or platform sandal for under $20. And they usually have a great selection of jewellery (chunky necklaces and bangles) and clutches.” Frequenting these places would be a great way to pick up a few inexpensive accessories in order to quickly update your wardrobe for spring; “accessorizing is the key to changing your style. It’s amazing how a necklace or belt can really change the look of an outfit. [They] let you work with pieces you already have in your closet and transform those pieces into something totally fresh and new.” She suggests brightly coloured waist belts, stacks of wooden or Lucite bangles, or chandelier earrings. When asked what the must-have items for spring are, Julia noted that python accessories, found inexpensively at The Bay or H&M, and having a great new pair of pants, whether dhoti, pyjama, harem, or peg legged from Zara, will allow you to enter to spring season with style. When asked what fashion item Julia just couldn’t bear to live without, she replied, “I can’t live without a great pair of heels. I feel more confident in heels and have trained myself to ignore the pain that comes with a day spent running around Toronto in 4 inch heels.” She also admits that at times she gets a little too excited with her accessories, but sees it as crafting her own personal style rather than breaking the over accessorizing rule, “Fashion is supposed to be about having fun so if you break a style rule every once in a while, so be it. At least you fun had while doing it!”

I realise that most of you who are reading this article are about to embark the fashion world, so after letting Julia know that this interview will be seen by many students looking to pursue occupations in the industry, she gave us some words of wisdom; “Interning with a company you could see yourself working for in the future is a great way to get your foot in the door and to show that company you are serious about pursuing a career in fashion. You most likely won’t get paid but the experience and contacts you’ll make are priceless.” This is advice won’t be taken lightly, along with her suggestions to do research upon any opportunity, and to take note that fashion is not just entertainment, it’s a business. “Make sure you stay abreast of the latest news in the industry and read as much as you can about the apparel industry. Do your homework!” After hearing about all the tips and trends from Julia, I can’t wait to go home and further explore Stylehog.com!
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