Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sartorial group

Hey guys,

This post is for the group who's taking pictures of people with wicked style. I was supposed to make up a permission form to give you guys to have your subjects sign before you take their photo, but I completely forgot...I'm so sorry! I will make that up tonight and hopefully I will see most of you at school tomorrow. Nobody will probably be taking pictures next week since it's reading week, so if not tomorrow, then the first week back I will hunt you guys down and hand them out then. Sorry again friends. Talk soon.



Oh, George! said...

Hey Laura,

I was wondering if you needed anyone else to help out with pics, I would love to be involved, as well my sister, let us know if we can help out.

Ashley Soutar

Anonymous said...

I am also very interested in this idea. So since we're roommates...I'm gunna go tell u right now haha.

Holly Blair