hey girls,
just wanted to give you a heads up about a few things .... let me know what you think..
1. i have someone interested in the back cover for advertising. not a 100% "yes" but pretty close. his name is DJ Alonso Mendez and he wants to promote for his growing business of DJing in the hippest clubs for toronto. good idea?
2. launch party for the magazine. i am extremely interested in putting this together with a couple of other girls. anyone else want to help? do we have a date for the launch of the magazine yet?
3.i want to also help out in the organizational part of the advertising, making sure everyone gets what they want and we dont promise more than one space to more than one person. anyone else interested? please get in contact or leave message here.
thanks girls
britt mills
Hey, I was going to see what everyone thought about a launch party, i would love to be involved with that.
I thought we were supposed to have the back cover as the Student Association page? Anyways, if we're allowed, I totally think that would be an awesome idea. It really adds to the artsy/street fashion aspect.
Also, launch party is a FAB idea. I don't know for sure if I want to get involved in organizing it, but if you're short people, let me know and I'll see if I can lend a hand.
And as for the advertising organization, I think I could do that. As long as it's not going to be work overload. Just give me a job and I'll do it. I'm glad to help.
I would also love to help with the launch party..
Heather Britton
alright awesome...
more the help, the better
lets start coming up with ideas and gather as many people as possible and then in a couple of weeks we will regather and start the production.
as for the back cover, i thought of that as well ( the student association) however i didnt think we were obligated but if we are no worries.
what do you think sarah?
anyone else interested in advertising help?
last post was by me @ 4.29 pm
britt mills
hey... i think that's a great idea. way more fun than the student association that's for sure! if he can't do the back, maybe he can do the back/front inside cover. probably just as good.
I would also love to help out with the launch party, as well as advertising. Let me know what I can do to help.
I would love to help out with the launch party. Lets talk about it in class next week and get it going.-Meg
Hey ladies,
i would love to be apart of the advertising as well, i have a few leads already for some places that are interested, so i will for sure speak with you ladies in next class! thanks
Kristen Soutar
i have someone else interested in advertising in our magazine. its actually my dads company but the advertisement isn't related to the magazine. so its kind of a worse comes to worse scenario. just wanted to give a heads up
britt mills
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