Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oh, George! Launch

Here’s the list of tasks that people have volunteered for. If you weren’t in class and want to add something to the launch, log on and add your name.

The launch will take place Tuesday, December 12, 9-11 a.m
4th floor - Fashion Dept.

Sharrine Francis

Joyce Asubonteng

Coffee/hot chocolate – Abi Jesion and Rebecca Morin
Pink drink -nikki
Cookies- jill
Cupcakes – Victoria rumi
Fudge – Michaele Laderoute
Candy canes-siobhan coleman
Fruit platter- jill

Design poster - Matt
Get poster stamped - Stephen
Put up posters

Donation box - Kat Voye

The Toronto Star Children's Charities
One Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1E6

Each box includes a hat, mitts, a warm top, socks, a book, candy, a toothbrush kit and a toy.

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