Product Red: "Consumer power at work"
For many of us a typical day involves waking up for a day at work or school, a meeting with a significant other or group of friends, and perhaps a little shopping. Health and happiness are too often taken for granted in the consumer-driven culture of developed countries. And as we indulge in the fruits of our privileged society, people in Africa are dying by the million of AIDS, a disease that with proper treatment can be controlled. Amid the media’s constant stream of advertising and entertainment we are reminded that the need for donations to this cause is urgent. (PRODUCT) RED is a new and unique economic initiative that aims to eliminate this tragic issue by putting consumer power to work.
(PRODUCT) RED is a branded product line created by Bono (of U2) and Bobby Shriver, co-founders of DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa), the public sector of the global fund for AIDS relief in Africa. It was launched in the UK in early March of 2006, and next in America in October of 2006. Gap has also recently launched its (PRODUCT) RED line in Canada, France, and Japan, and other participating companies are sure to follow suit in the near future. Its main objective is to engage the private sector by using businesses and shoppers as a vehicle to raise awareness and money in the fight against AIDS. The plan is to have some the world’s most powerful companies create a line of products, and to contribute up to 50% of their profits to AIDS relief. Iconic brands such as GAP, Converse, Giorgio Armani, Apple, MTV,, American Express (UK) and AIM have all graciously signed on the dotted line, which means that these companies will license the (PRODUCT) RED mark. Companies that choose to market this brand make a 5-year commitment promising to produce unique products that reflect their individual personalities and appeal to their target market. For example, GAP and Armani are creating everything from t-shirts and jackets to sunglasses and belts, with fragrance lines to come in the near future. Converse has not only developed a line of (PRODUCT) RED sneakers, but has also decided to embrace its customers’ creativity by launching MAKE MINE RED, an online feature granting shoppers the opportunity to submit their own footwear designs. Motorola and Apple are the 2 electronic head liners for (PRODUCT) RED. Motorola has embraced this initiative by becoming its worldwide wireless partner, creating unique phones specifically designed for this cause. Apple has come up with a new, limited-edition iPod Nano with a shiny red enclosure and top-of-the-line features. Sound appealing? The incredible thing about this line is that it capitalizes on our consumer appetite; the products are everyday things shoppers already find in their favourite stores, but by choosing this particular brand, you’re not only helping yourself, but helping to save lives.
Shriver says that through this initiative "[w]e want to change history by writing its future. With (PRODUCT) RED, consumers can tap into the power of commerce to do something amazing and unprecedented. Our partners have created incredible products that consumers will want and need, which is the beauty of (PRODUCT) RED. We’re not asking anyone for a donation or for them to change their behaviour. People buy things every day. But now when they buy (PRODUCT) RED, they will look good and do good - and that’s good business."
AIDS is the leading cause of death in Africa, with approximately 3 million people dying every year. Another terrifying statistic is that 25 of the 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the world are living in Africa. More startling still is that 60% of victims are women who pass the disease onto their unborn children, who in turn become orphans when their parents succumb to the disease. Bono describes the serious need for increased awareness and support in the fight against AIDS in Africa and the symbolic nature of the product line’s name: "AIDS in Africa is an emergency. That’s why we chose the colour red. When you buy a (PRODUCT) RED product, the company gives money to buy pills that will keep someone in Africa alive. The idea is simple, the products are sexy, and people live instead of die. It’s consumer power at work for those who have no power at all."
Surely doing your part to fight AIDS in Africa by buying (PRODUCT) RED sounds like a good idea. However, you’re probably thinking "but I don’t want everything I own to be red!" Those companies who wish to stay true to the brand name may do so, but making products only in the shade of red is not a requirement. What makes an item (PRODUCT) RED is the red logo superscript that each product will bear.
One thing that must be made clear about (PRODUCT) RED is that it is not a charity. As stated earlier, it is a commercial initiative promoting awareness and contributing funds for the private sector of the global fund to fight AIDS in Africa. Their intentions are not for consumers to donate all of their money, but to help save lives while living a normal life. It is believed that many will purchase these items completely unaware of this organization or what their purchase means for AIDS victims in Africa. Professor Richard Feachen, Executive Director of the global fund, describes (PRODUCT) RED as "a brilliant and effective response to the greatest global crisis of our time – the HIV/AIDS pandemic. There is no one way to solve this problem, but (RED) has come up with a smart and unique way to do so." I couldn’t agree more.
For more information on the (PRODUCT) RED line visit
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wonderful article!
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