We pride ourselves in developing new fashion trends as students and coming up with new styles as designers, although not one of us will take a moment to stop and think; Instead of putting more ideas where they will not be recognized, why not try to revamp the fashion industry in Toronto and make it bigger and better than ever before?
More now than ever, the apparel industry is taking a big hit on sales, development, and even interest in the consumers. According to the LG Spring/Summer 2010 Toronto Fashion Week interview conducted by blogger Marissa Bronfman, interviewed Jeanne Beker, Host of Fashion Television, asking “In 10 years from now, what do you see for Toronto Fashion Week? “. Jeanne simply replied, “I don’t know if there will be an fashion week! I think everyone will just show their shows online”. She went on to explain that she would highly miss the live spectacle but would hope that the designers will make enough money to even broadcast their shows online.
This goes to show that either Toronto picks up their pants and creates a new environment and approach to showcase the talent for the Toronto designers that we all know is there, or Toronto Fashion will crumble. The defense to this issue is that Toronto fashion is still in the “development” process of putting their designers on the map along with high-rise cities such as New York, Paris, and Milan. However, due to the recession and great loss of spending from the consumers, it is extra hard for Toronto to establish itself. There is a choice, either to wait it out or see what we can pull together and make amazing for the world to see our talent, or seriously consider if it is worth the time, pressure, and waste of talent for our city.
The upside of developing Toronto fashion, and signifying ourselves to the rest of the world is that we have seen the other cities do their uprising, their failures and their recoveries, so we can watch and observe to prevent our city from doing the same mistakes. Toronto is such a beautiful, creative, and interesting city, and for our fashion to be considered one of the capitals of the world, our consumers need to take more risks, start trends, be fearless, and overall support our upcoming designers. If all these elements are combined, there will be no need to leave Canada for New York or Milan to scope ideas.
The advantage that Toronto already has over the other major fashion house cities is that we pride our designs on more Vintage, do-it-yourself, ready to wear, and mix and math clothing that makes it more realistic to the consumer to purchase these items rather than in Europe where their focus is Avant-Garde fashion rather than practical everyday wearing. Canadian designers such as D-Squared, David Dixon, Evan Biddell and JOE Fresh have showcased their designs as fashionable, trendy, new, and yet still affordable to the consumers and wearable for everyday. Personal feelings favour these types of designers where their thinking is to the end consumer. This is greatly appreciated from both the retailers, as they have hard-hitting designs to sell and for the consumers that they are recognized in the designers eyes to produce pieces for them that they can showcase in their own way.
All in all, the future of Toronto Fashion depends on the students, the future advocators, the future designers, the future retailers, and us. The only thing that we should focus on is the Future and if there is no vision as to what the future holds, then we should really start re-evaluating ourselves and make Toronto Fashion amazing and for the whole world to see. Let’s show the rest of the world that we are not underestimated, just saving our talent for our BIG DEBUT. Let’s show them what we are really made of and prove that It Is Worth It!